Friday, March 18, 2005

I want to ride my bicycle.

This is Chris and his bike. Not the best bike but it works just the same. We are trying to order better ones but not that many companies ship to an Army Post Office. In case anyone of you who read this and send me packages wants to know that APO stands for army post office and AE stands for army europe. That is why it takes so long for packages and letters to get here. It all goes to New York, then to Germany then to Kuwait, then to Baghdad and then to Tikrit. So it does take a little while. I got another box from Aunt Dianne the other day. Good stuff and thanks. I had a little scare with my health last week, ask Mom or Rhea Jo. So if you decide to send me something to eat, please be kind and make sure it is health food. Mom and Rhea recently sent me some boxes and they are not even here yet. So they tell me that when they get here I don't get to eat anything they send me and I have to share. Rude! I am feeling better though. My doctor told me that if I like the way something tastes then it it bad for me. I am hurting, I have been eating oatmeal and cherios for a week. Anyway, Scott, Paul, Travis and myself go for a bike ride every day around 1600. Right before dinner, so it is cooler than at noon time. There are some good hills and off road trails that we ride on. I shouldn't say trails but we don't spend to much time on the road. We jump, go down embankments and stuff like that. Now we are no professionals, but it is a fun way to do physical training. When I told Rhea that I was riding bikes again she asked me if I got a letter from my commander saying it was alright. I have a tendancy to play hard and I usally get hurt. It will happen it is just a matter of time. Posted by Hello