Sunday, September 18, 2005


As previously discussed, the abuse continues. Apparently, Christopher interpreted our correspondence as justification for “pummeling” and the abuse escalated. Now, I am a mild mannered sort, but even I will eventually take steps to defend my self. Case in point: Chris will normally pummel me with the stick until I get riled up at which point he flees to his room. According to his rules, which change daily, I am not permitted to endeavor in any aggressive or pre-emptive action. I can merely defend myself in my own room.

I recently remembered that I had found a battery operated water gun and was waiting in ambush for Chris to make one of his pummel visits. Unfortunately, I underestimated his wiliness. He observed my ambush and evaded. I calmly waited for a return visit, but of course there wasn’t one. Presently, I left my room for one reason or another. I returned to find my office chair soaked and Chris behind locked doors! Rude! I knocked on the door, but he would only open it a peep. I naturally forced entry, forcing him to retreat behind his desk. As soon as he realized I wasn’t armed he had the audacity to ask if I had sat in the chair! I informed him I had not due to seeing the water beading on my chair, of course to his immense displeasure. Hrmph!

Vengeance! It was only a short while later when Chris felt the “Call of the Popcorn”. This “Call” forced him to leave the security of his room and enter the common “kitchen/living room” area. Fortune favors the bold! I arm myself and corner him next to the microwave and let fly with Revenge, sweet revenge! Of course, even this is short lived as Chris starts whimpering about being in his pajamas. (Sigh). At this point I have mercy and relent.

We are having fun passing the time, but I am sure that Chris’s cheerful demeanor is only in light of the fact that each day is one day closer to seeing you again. I can tell when he is Instant Messaging you because he is smiling from ear to ear.

Always respectfully, Mongo

SA Travis Gregory


Your stories are always great and make me feel as though I'm there with you guys. I apologize for any abuse these postings bring. I should also disclose that during any battle situation or evasive manuevers I fully support my Christopher. He is authorized to do whatever necessary to come out of the situation on top. As you have discovered he is quite cunning and I am thankful for that.

It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


In light of your never-ending support of Christopher and his "win at all costs" style of "fighting", you will be proud to know Christopher got even. (Actually, he probably got ahead again, since I was the one GETTING EVEN!). I think it was the very next day when Chris cornered me in teh exact same spot I got him and hosed me down with my own watergun! In my complacency I had left my water gun in my room unattended. I should know better. You've all seen the stories of what happens when you keep loaded weapons in the house with CHILDREN! To add insult to injury I return to my room to find my office chair soaked . . . again!


11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sitting in work reading the lastest posting and anyone walking by would wonder why I am laughing like an idiot. Not suppose to be that happy at work!! You guys are making the very best of your current situation and I'm so happy you can find things to diviate your minds from your daily duties. I can only hope that when you all come home you will continue to keep in contact with each other in some way or another. It's so easy to lose contact once you are back to your "normal" daily grind. Don't just say "I should call" it!!

6:21 AM  

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