Thursday, January 06, 2005


Sunrise over the lake. Posted by Hello


Sunrise over the lake. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Chris under the water fall

This is me under the waterfall. The water is polluted and nasty. We don't eat the fish my friends catch. We are not allowed to swim in the lake either. That is OK right now because the temperature is 40 degrees. Posted by Hello

Chris, waterfall andthe Tigris river

Me on top of the church with a waterfall behind me. The waterfall is a pumping station that pumps water from the Tigris river into our lake. The river is in the distance. Posted by Hello

Afraid of Heights?

This is me on top of the church. The lake behind me is the same one that is around our office. Our office is actually on an island with a small bridge to connect us to the rest of FOB Danger. Posted by Hello


This is Scott and I on top of the church. Great friends after lunch. The air smelled of sulfur today. There is a big gulf storm coming in tonight. Posted by Hello

Chris in FOB Danger HQ

This is me in the main HQ of FOB Danger. I was guarding the someone when they came over for Christmas. Can't tell you who, sorry. The palaces look good from afar but up-close they are not at all pretty. The Iraq's used marble squares and put them together with some kind of glue that seeps out around the edges. The rest is cement made from dirt of course, but it is not smooth. The food is good here, not as good as home but the food will get me through. I already lost five pounds. Posted by Hello

Monday, January 03, 2005

Chris and Rhea

Rhea and I just before I left. My parents were in town for thanksgiving and took the picture. Seems like a long time ago already. Does she have a great smile or what. My Mom and Rhea cooked dinner while Dad and I worked on the trim work of my shed. We had a great time while they were there it was just to short of a visit. Posted by Hello

Kuwait City

Kuwait City from the air. We flew over the city around 1000 in the morning. We left Georgia around 1000 the previous day. Long flight with a lay over in Germany. Kuwait marked the 9th country I have been in. Iraq was the tenth.Posted by Hello

Scott & Camel

Scott and a camel, driving in Kuwait. Posted by Hello

Camel Toe

Camel Toe. The real kind! Posted by Hello

Sunrise in Kuwait. Posted by Hello

Sunset C-130

Sunest from the C-130 plane coming from Kuwait into Iraq. Posted by Hello


An island in the lake, we use sticks and hit rocks onto the island. Anything to beat the time. Posted by Hello

Uday's Palace

Uday's palace on FOB Danger, or whats left of it. It is totally destroyed on the insde. (Bunker Buster bombs) Posted by Hello

Chris & Scott C-130

Scott and I on our way to Iraq on a C-130 cargo plane. Posted by Hello

Moon over the lake. Posted by Hello

Oldest Christian church in Iraq, on FOB Danger. Posted by Hello

FOB Danger HQ

Main Headquarters of FOB Danger. Posted by Hello

Our CID office and living quarters. Posted by Hello

Unit Photo

Our CID team. From the left top row. Brad Bibb, Jeff Supernaunt, Travis Gregory, Christopher Fernholz, Matt Nicosia, Scott Miller, Doug Little, Corbett Speciale, Sean Collins, kneeling, Jeff Tellock, Paul Comesanas, Billy Way, Tom Klins, Johnny Belyea, Steve Franklin, sitting, Randy Heridia. Posted by Hello

Kuwait City from the air, first day in country. Posted by Hello

Driving Camels

That is me driving that vehicle, damn camels slowed up our convoy in Kuwait. Posted by Hello

This is how you tail gate in Kuwait. Posted by Hello

No I still didn't catch anything. Posted by Hello