Monday, October 10, 2005

Appreciation of Appreciation

There is a wonderful group of women that has invited me into their group for stamping and scraping. We get together about once a month and our September gathering happened to fall on the 11th. Our ring leader, my fabulous boss Lynn, suggested this would be a wonderful opportunity to reflect and appreciate our military, firefighters, and police. So we dedicated the day to making thank you cards for these brave individuals. We all brought the names and addresses of friends and family who are serving or have served our country and Lynn took care of the mailing. Chris and Scott were very excited when they received their cards and ran around bragging to all the other guys. Here they are showing them off.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The cards were great and Chris's Dad was thrilled when he was included in the appreciation. He received one for the time he spent in Vietnam in the 1960's. Generation after generation seem to experience war. Christopher's Grandmom and Granddad both served during World War II and were stationed in England during the bombing. Will it ever end?

8:30 AM  

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