Thursday, June 23, 2005

Rhea's Story

Okay, to bring everyone up to speed, this week has been very hectic. I'm flying to Wichita this weekend for Jeremy's wedding. I have a list of things I need to do before I go and one is to get the yard cut (hasn't been done since 6/7) which was on the calendar for Sunday. However, I opened the shed door Sun. only to discover the mower had a flat tire. I normally don't freak about stuff especially with Chris gone but this threw me for a loop. I know how to change a car tire ( No, not just calling AAA) but how in the world do you change a riding lawn mower tire. Not a Clue! One neighbor had no idea, the other probably does but he's on a wierd shift so he's not home when I am, no help there. Okay so who do I take it to and how do I get it there?

I shot Chris an email asking just that and if someone from the unit might be able to help. Scott of course volunteers Silke and the boys which I decline since I don't want them worrying about it. At this point it will be a day or so before I reach anyone from the unit so it's either going to wait til I get home, make someone from Louisville drive down, or figure it out myself. Almost as a joke I went online and did a search on mower flat tire. Bingo! Directions on what equipment I need and pretty much how to do it.

Tonight I hit Sears on the way home, purchased the sealant and a small air compressor. I had the mower fixed within an hour. The hardest part was figuring and out how to get the valve stem out so I could get the sealant in. The sealant came with that tool but it took me about 30 minutes to realize that's what it was for and exactly how to use it. Don't laugh, that was the step not listed in the directions on the bottle. I should write them a complaint.

The culprit - a piece of wire from the fence. (Don't ask me!) Anyway, I yanked it out and drove around for about 15 minutes while the sealant dispersed through the tire and sealed the hole as the directions instructed me to do. It was pretty slick.

Anyway, I'm pretty proud of myself. Did I mention this was accomplished while running about 101 degree fever? Chris owes me some pampering when he gets home. Laughs.

Bed & Nyquil are calling my name.

Love to all,

The next day.

Chris would have died!!!!!!

I rushed home to get the yard cut tonight I opened the shed door and the tire was still up, yeah! So I began. I noticed that they have started to clear some of the open land around us and the tractor was still working on one of the plots. I figure they'll clear the one next to us tomorrow. No big deal, just that time of year. (No Chris they won't do the swamp.)

Well apparently all the snakes that have been living in the tall grass they are clearing decided it was time to get out of dodge. Unfortunately that meant they were headed my way. I first spotted one coming out of our swamp, scared the crap out of me. But he doubled back and headed back into the swamp. Cool (note to self- don't throw Rock's ball anywhere near there)! Then I see another one, he wasn't as easily intimidated. I quickly put both legs on the other side of the mower and prayed he didn't strike when I passed. I think he thought about it but didn't, just gave me the cold stare down. Then another one towards the back of the house. This one didn't pay me any attention, just kept on trucking like I wasn't there about to run him over. At this point I was beginning to worry that I was being overrun. They eventually all headed back towards the tall grass to avoid me and I got back to work.

Next thing I know, here they all come again?!! It took me a minute to realize that the tractor had gotten a lot closer and they were stuck between us. I guess I was the smaller threat. Luckily I didn't have to get too close to any of them again. I know one is in the swamp, one behind the house and I don't know where the other one ended up. All I kept thinking was that Chris would have started packing. I don't know what kind they are but they are all about 4ft. As soon as I get back from Wichita I'm getting the swamp cleared. Poor Rock isn't allowed outside anymore, he'll have to hold it! Laughs. No, he should be fine but I am going to be very careful with him. I'm lucky the hobbits are inside cats or they might have come up missing. Rude.

Anyway, I'm finishing up laundry and headed to bed.

KY Snake and Wildlife Farm

SHE IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger Chris-N-Rhea Jo said...

I would of taken care of all three of them, then walked into the swamp and taken care of the rest! No Fear,


12:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Rea: I am very proud of you, Rea. That sounds pretty close to what my wife would have done. She is also tough and resourceful.

To Everyone: However, now I must address Chris "No Fear"'s last comments. Ahem! For those just tuning in, please refer to the "Eel story" and related comments from Chris and Rea. It should prove enlightening! Sorry, Rea. I am sure you would have addressed this personally, but I just couldn't wait!

To Chris: Brother Man, love you like a brother, but let's face it. You are no "Crocodile Hunter"!


1:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"No Fear my _____!" He posted that on this site then informed me in another email that he is never mowing the yard again.

The little killdeer that put her nest in our driveway this year is braver than Chris in the presence of any snake. She fended pretty well, she was still sitting on all 3 eggs this morning.

I love my husband dearly but bravery in the presence of wildlife is not his thing. As Travis mentioned you can refer to the eel story for proof. He does still owe you all the cockroach story too.

Love and Laughs. Rhe

7:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rhea, again you have proved what a hell of a woman you are. No surprise to any of us that know and love you. I can't say I would have handled the situation as well as you did. You have to remember, Chris gets his "love" of outside critters from somewhere. Guess I have to take the credit for that. As much as I love domesticated animals, you'd think there would be a little for those who fend for themselves. Not so. Sorry Chris. You have inherited some great traits and some not so great traits. I guess the lawn mowing will be a steady job for Rhea now. Keep up the good work Rhea! Love you both. Mom

6:49 AM  

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