Thursday, May 12, 2005

The reason why I went home

Well were to begin. It has been awhile since my last update so I guess I will start when I arrived at the airport in Louisville for my R&R leave. I walked off of the jet way and had to restrain myself from knocking people over and running through the airport terminal to find my wife. I walked rather swiftly around the security area and on the other side of the ropes, there she was. She was wearing a blue sleeveless sweater, a black skirt and a beautiful smile. Her hair was straight and longer than I last remember. Her glow could be seen by many bystanders. I almost had to push people out of my way to get to her. After slowing my pace, just to look at her a bit longer I finally wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into me for a long warm embrace. I pulled back to look into her eyes and gave her a kiss I will never forget, not to wet and not to short but it was perfect. I was so nervous I didn’t want to ruin it by being obnoxious. I squeezed her again and looking over her shoulder I could see people around us smiling and the expressions on their face revealed warmth in their hearts for a soldier coming home. After awhile we pulled apart and smiled at each other, our eyes were watery but we continued to smile for I was with the woman I love and nothing could be better. We walked to the car holding hands, of course you’re not supposed to show affection in uniform, but there is no one in the world who can tell me that I can not show the love I have for her. I wanted to drive but my legs were shaking so bad that I couldn’t. She drove us home, traffic was slow but I think that was the only time I didn’t care how fast traffic was going. I guess I realized no matter how bad traffic was I was right where I wanted to be. We got home a short while later and walked into our house. I could see the Rock through the back door but I don’t think he could see me. I went and hid in the bedroom, that’s right, my dog can play hide and seek, well Rhea let him in and told him that Daddy was home. I could here him getting excited and Rhea asked him where Daddy is? The Rock started to hunt for me, I could here him in the sitting room, the hall way, the guest room and then the he came in to the bedroom and saw me hiding behind the bed. He ran at me and knocked me over of course and leaned into me and gave me good snuggles, and then he went and got a damn tennis ball and never stopped playing the whole time I was home. I don’t remember what we ate for dinner that night but I do remember sitting on the couch and watching TV with Rhea and couldn’t believe I was home. I was so happy to be sitting there holding her in my arms. Well one thing led to another but we don’t need to go there. Damn it was good to be home. Time went by fast, we spent time in the yard, in the bedroom, shopping, in the bedroom, eating at restaurants, in the bedroom, Lowes and Home Depot, and in the bedroom well you get the drift. I know Rhea will be mad but I need to let you all know that we went to Church Hill Downs the Saturday before the Kentucky Derby. We had a great time eating nachos, drinking beer, drinking more beer and gambling on the races. Well Rhea made a wager and won on one race. She won $2.40. She was so excited, of course I thought that was the funniest thing considering I won a total of $98.00. We managed to come out even, beer cost four dollars a piece! Well that should be enough for now. I have another story but I am waiting for Rhea Jo to send me pictures so I can show you the out come of the story. Thanks for reading. Christopher


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For crying out loud. I'm sitting here crying like an idiot. Your update was wonderful! I felt like I was in the airport with you when you got home. Your description of your homecoming was soooooooo well written. Of course you can't tell how much you love your wife!! Now I understand why you didn't want anybody visiting while you were home. We wouldn't have seen you anyway! I'm glad it went so well while you were home and I'm sorry you had to go back again. Time will pass and before you know it, you will be knocking people over to get to your wife. How fun will that be??
Love & Love Mom

6:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing Chris. I felt like I was right there in that crowd at the airport. There's not a dry eye in this office this morning! I'm glad you had a great homecoming and what sounds like a very "active" visit home! Lucky Rhea! Lucky both of you - It's a gift to find that one special someone in your life. Take care and stay safe. Donna R.

8:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Baby. I love you too.

It was so great to have Chris home, my experience in the airport was about the same but there was one point where I was glad Chris didn't have his weapon. Others were walking off the plane and then here he comes around the corner, I couldn't help but to start smiling. Well there was a guy (with his wife) between us and he had to open his mouth "Wow, is that smile for me?" Luckily Chris wasn't in ear shot or he might have been pummeled. But he dug his own hole because his wife quickly pulled him away and she did not appear happy. By that time I was in the arms of my husband and all else was lost.

We had a great time, way too short but he will be home soon enough. One correction to his story, He did win $98 but I won $2.10 not $2.40 at the track. I have to make that distinction because at first he was telling everyone I won $2 so I my response was "No, I won $2.10." I think I won more but somehow all my winnings disappeared, beer maybe, oh well.

We had several nice dinners (Red Lobster - thanks Lynn, and Ruth's Chris - thanks Mom E.), a lot of beers and a lot of laughs. I can't wait for December.

Love, Rhe

12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing your version of "coming home" I know how much your being here meant to Rhea Jo. It was great to see the special glow and smile on her face.(of course, there's always a smile, but the smile for you is like no other!!!!) I look forward to your being back in Kentucky - we still need to share some adult beverages. Take care of yourself and we'll see you soon. Lynn

2:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Chris - you certainly have a way with words. Are you sure you weren't a writer in another life time? You guys have something that not to many people ever find.
So keep the story going. . .
love ya
aunt d

11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know Chris, as an official member of the committee for nicknames, I have to tell you that nicknaming yourself can result in total disqualification of any eligibility of a nickname what so ever. If you keep up these acts of not following the rules, the committee will be forced to call a special session and look into your termination from eligibility.


8:59 AM  

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