Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Tokens of Love

Okay, we all know that Chris has not updated this site for awhile. I assure you he is okay. The Army has now mandated that all blogs maintained by soldiers must be registered. Of course this is way too much of a hassle and liability for Chris so the responsibility has now been turned over to me. "Home Maker - 6"

Chris has moved to a new Forward Operating Base and is doing just fine. He has his own room w/ TV, A/C, etc... This photo is of his desk which is currently covered in beer caps. I'll explain.

I think it all began while Chris was still living in the barracks with Nate. Of course the two of them loved "cocktails" and began filling a small jar with the bottle caps. It didn't take long before the jar was full and they began looking for bigger containers. Chris continued the habit after we were married, I admit I'm an enabler. The intent was always that someday when we have our own bar we will cover one wall in bottle caps. We have lots of friends and family, all who questioned why Chris and I would put bottle caps in our pockets while sharing "cocktails." So the tale would be told and to my astonishment these individuals would begin saving bottle caps for us. I can't even count the number of people who have bags/boxes/houses full of bottle caps destined for our house. I know 2-3 individuals who probably have at least one cap in their pocket right now.

Chris' Dad has been the coordinator for many family members to contribute. He not only saves them but also accepts others donations. I'm scared to think how many are in Mom and Dad's basement. Well during their recent visit Dad happened to mention the caps (as we were sharing "cocktails") and I informed him that we were no longer saving them. While home on R&R Chris and I went through a decluterization phase which included throwing out the stored caps which we've moved at least twice. Did I mention that saved bottle caps reek!

Anyway, Dad was flabbergasted and immediately announced he was sending his caps to Chris in Iraq. That's exactly what he did. A huge box (which Chris lost the picture of) arrived in Iraq a couple weeks ago filled to the brim with nothing but bottle caps. As you can see Chris has now decorated his desk with a few of them. Just a reminder of what's waiting at home while he enjoys a near beer.

Love, Rhe


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, can you tell my wife loves me! What a women, and yes I had so many bottle caps I had to throw them away. I figure it was fun collecting them and having other people collect them that we can start over when I return. Great entry Rhea Jo, I love you

12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good one Rhea. I know Dad had a great time putting that box together for Chris and laughed the whole time he was doing it. When it was packed he shook it and it made way too much noise, so he would stuff more in there to tighten it up. Shook again, repacked again, until finally he was satisfied with the result. But I did have to write "rattle OK" on the packing slip (just in case). Off to the post office where they look at you funny because the shape of the box looked like I was shipping a weapon. Dad just could not wait for Chris to get that box and then to use those caps in such a clever manner was the icing on the cake. Fun all around. Love, Mom

1:03 PM  

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