Saturday, April 16, 2005

Travis' eel story

(chuckle) Okay, where to begin. Chris has a funny way of avoiding even perceived danger, no matter how insignificant it may seem to those surrounding him. For example, when we first arrived in our new abode, there was a "slight" rodent infestation. On rare occasions, while watching TV in the living room, we might see a brown flash near the back of the TV. Well, Chris might appear to be calmly watching TV, but I think he has "pest radar". I am a rather laid back sort, therefore the first evidence of a problem that I would notice is Chris scrambling on top of furniture and telling anyone within earshot to "get it!" When I ask "Get what?", Chris would reply "Didn't you see it?!?". Chris would not come down from the furniture until we had captured the pest, or convinced him that it was no longer a threat. Then, usually without another word, pick up his drinks and snacks and retire to his sleeping area for the remainder of the evening and not come out again until the next morning. I swear it is like watching the old Tom and Jerry cartoons where the lady would jump on the furniture whenever Jerry would appear! This behaviour and "pest radar" is duplicated whenever we he see's a flyin pest, too.

Moving on to the eel story. Paul has become very skilled at "snagging" eels that are meandering too close to the shore line. When Paul observes said eel, he will grab the fishing pole that has a triple hook; it kinda looks like a tiny anchor with barbs. Then Paul will cast the line over the back of the eel, reel in slowly until the hook is close then snatch the line hoping to snare the eel with the hook. He has done this on a few occasions, but Scott has also caught an eel or two the old fashioned way . . . with a baited hook. No one is more excited than Chris when a fish is caught, or even an eel. However, the eels look and act suspiciously like snakes with fish fins. This is where I suppose I should qualify my earlier comments pertaining to Chris running like a little girl. (He read my earlier entry and has prompted this story by way of explanation.) Chris doesn't "really" run like a little girl. However, he does put on a display that is quite funny to me! Bear with me while I go off on another tangent, it will help me illustrate Chris's behaviour. I was raised in a rural setting where rats, snakes and the like were pretty common occurrences. We would go as far as to catch and play with the ones that we knew were not poisonous. One of the funniest things you will ever see is a dog that has found a snake. The dog will creep up on the snake, stre-e-e-etch it's head out and try to get a sniff of the snake without getting to close. Usually the snake doesn't want anything to do with the dog and will strike out even if it is not poisonous. This causes the dog to jump back or even retreat, do some barking and then try to approach the snake again, often from a different angle to avoid the head of the snake. If you have stayed with me this far, picture the snake as an eel and the dog as Chris and you will have a pretty fair idea of what Chris looks like when one of the guys catches an eel! I wish you could see it in real life!

Here ya go, Chris. Now everyone knows that you don't really "run like a little girl" when you see an eel, though I am not sure if you will like this description much better!

Rhea Jo, hope you liked the story!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So there you all go. I do not run like a girl when I see something scary. As for the rodent issue, I get that from my father. Ever since he was in Vietnam he has been afraid of rodentia. So it is not my fault. See I cam place blame anywhere! Christopher (the fisherman) No comment on the nickname!

5:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Travis you did a great job, and yes that is my husband. But trust me you are seeing the brave side of Chris in this situation, I have seen him at his worst. I also grew up in a rural environment and often played with critters found in the wild. We had pet snakes, turtles, frogs, hamsters, mice, and rats. So these things don't phase me much, I don't like them but can deal with the situation.

Chris - Oh don't blow this off just because Travis hasn't actually seen you scream and run off like a girl. I know better, I was there for the snake and cockroach incident.

Snake - We were out doing some yard work last summer, Chris mowing (trying to tackle some of our swamp area) with the push mower while I was puttering in my flower beds. Everything seemed normal till I heard the infamous scream, looked up to see the lawn mower going in one direction and Chris hauling "___" in the opposite direction. Though not quite speaking he communicated that there was a snake. So as I had seen my Mother do many times, I grabbed the garden hoe and headed for that direction. Chris freaked, and asked what I was doing. I told him I would take care of it. Now being the provider and protector that he is, there was no way he was going to let me get near that snake so he grabbed the hoe from me and acted as though he would do it. I knew better, he wouldn't get within 20 feet of that thing and he was looking around for any escape option from this situation. Finally he saw the neighbors teen Son on their porch and yells "Do you know anything about snakes?" Well this is a KY born and raised kid that immediately ran over (barefoot of course), chased the snake down and caught it using one of his Mothers clean white towels. Chris then began the same eel (snake vs. dog) dance that Travis described. But I don't think he ever touched it.

Now I'm sure this is not the version Chris would like everyone to hear. So a warning has been issued for him to get the roach and stair stories posted before I take matters into my own hands. Not that it really matters, I'll correct his version after he posts anyway. I always dime him out.
I LOVE YOU BABY!! Laughs, Rhe

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess all this proves just what a "city" boy you are. Big and bad until it comes to the little critters. Sorry sweetie. I guess we should'nt have protected you so well. It's not that we don't have the creepy crawly things in New Jersey, we just don't play with them. Travis, your stories are wonderful and it really does my heart good to read them. You can tell that you guys are like brothers. Protect to the death.....but rat you out on a whim!! I love it. Keep up the good work. Rhea, your stories are just as good. Can't belive my poor baby has had to face so many critters since he's been gone. At least he has just as many people to protect him as there are critters running around. Keep those hoes and shovels on the ready Rhea...........he's coming home!! Love & flutters, Mom

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess all this proves just what a "city" boy you are. Big and bad until it comes to the little critters. Sorry sweetie. I guess we should'nt have protected you so well. It's not that we don't have the creepy crawly things in New Jersey, we just don't play with them. Travis, your stories are wonderful and it really does my heart good to read them. You can tell that you guys are like brothers. Protect to the death.....but rat you out on a whim!! I love it. Keep up the good work. Rhea, your stories are just as good. Can't belive my poor baby has had to face so many critters since he's been gone. At least he has just as many people to protect him as there are critters running around. Keep those hoes and shovels on the ready Rhea...........he's coming home!! Love & flutters, Mom

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess all this proves just what a "city" boy you are. Big and bad until it comes to the little critters. Sorry sweetie. I guess we should'nt have protected you so well. It's not that we don't have the creepy crawly things in New Jersey, we just don't play with them. Travis, your stories are wonderful and it really does my heart good to read them. You can tell that you guys are like brothers. Protect to the death.....but rat you out on a whim!! I love it. Keep up the good work. Rhea, your stories are just as good. Can't belive my poor baby has had to face so many critters since he's been gone. At least he has just as many people to protect him as there are critters running around. Keep those hoes and shovels on the ready Rhea...........he's coming home!! Love & flutters, Mom

1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I know I'm sleeping better knowing you're over there protecting me, Chris! At least as long as there are no critters in the vicinity! Love the story Travis. I can just picture it. When I was a kid growing up in a rural community in Western PA called Raccoon Township - yes there is such a place - we had lots of snakes and critters around our house. I saw my dog "attack" many a snake in just the way Travis described. In fact, she would bring us to tears just trying to get up the nerve to take on the snake skins that she would often find around our house! My mom was terrified of snakes and her screams would often send my dad running with hoe in hand to cut of their little heads. They were usually all of a foot long and about the size of a drumstick! I've seen my dad mow down entire flower beds just to locate the darn thing because my mom was sure it would come right through the siding and directly into her bedroom! So I can picture it all. Great story - thanks for the chuckle Travis. As for the nickname - I'm guessing Great White Hunter is not an option!! Stay safe guys. Donna R., Mom's work buddy.

1:55 PM  

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