Monday, January 31, 2005

Chris and part of my personal area

Hello. First of all I want to say thank you for the packages and cards I get on a regular basis. Lets start with the latest one. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, thank you for the card and special words you added. It means alot to have an extended family to pray over me. Lynn Engmire, she works with Rhea Jo, your boxes of goodies helps the moral of myself and my unit. The valentine cards were a great hit within the unit. Everyone was appreciative. I am sure all of the spouses or significant others will love them. Not all of my unit is married. Linae Walker, Rhea Jo's step mother, thank you for the goodies and the dart board. It is nice to sit in my area and play darts. I don't even have to keep score! The treats and other goodies were a pleasant surprise. Expecially the goodies. Aunt Dianne and Uncle Fred, the tasty Cakes were magnificent, I don't share those. Sorry. It is nice that we became closer within the last couple of years and we will never forget the trip to Scotland together. You guys being there helped Rhea and I get through the tough spots, you know what I am talking about. And no it does not mean the if you turn the map upside down that you are going south when you were heading north. It looks like the puppies are getting bigger and should provide good snuggles. Rob and Lauren, what can I say, Robbie let me be a part of the the plaque group all the way over here. Laure even sent me a movie (Strange Brew) that I know she can not stand. That is a great sister. We also have grown closer in recent years. I will never forget the conversation we had when Robbie fell asleep in Wichita. I bet you Robbie is saying what conversation! Mom and Dad your emails, letters and packages make a son feel like the most important man in the world, you words of encouragement keep me going throughout my time in the military. No one can say they have better parents. I miss you like you would not believe. Rhea and I have spent more time with you in the past year than we have in the previous six, and it is still not enough time. Kentucky is looking a lot better now! No double wides! Marjorie and Don, it is nice to know a man and his wife have a home in more than one state. What you have done for Rhea and I last year means a lot more than words can say. You let us into your home with the Rock (who you tried to keep) and made it feel like our own. The cards, goodies and meaningful words you write down are an inspiration for myself and my fellow soldiers. Thank you. Rhea Jo, there is a country song by Brooks and Dunn called "A Brand New Man". That is our story, you picked me up when I was down, you put me in my place and still do. I can not think of where I would be if it was not for you. I hope I never disappoint you. Your packages, cards, emails, phone conversations and just being in my thoughts get me through each and every day. No one wants to go home more than I do. Not just to get out of here, but just to be with you and what we have together. For every one reading this, I hope you have the love with your special someone as I do with Rhea Jo. She is the best thing that ever happened to me, and I am so happy that I found her. By the way my hair was messed up in the picture and yes I were glasses when I am at the computer. You can see a picture of Jordan, Connor and Riley that Lauren sent me. My buddies keep asking me if they are mine. What do you think Rob? They are good at sports and from what I hear Riley is pretty rude. If you want to send anything, pictures are always good, I have plenty of wall space around me to hang them. Can you see the blanket behind me? Not my towel hanging there, lower. Rhea Jo made that for me. She definately knows how to make me feel like we are together. Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Baby, you are getting better at writing. This was very sweet, now I'm all teary. Knock it off.

Chris and I have received an abundance of support from family and friends that is beyond anything we could have ever expected. I just want to share my gratitude in addition to his. He is missed dearly every moment of every day but I have never been prouder of him for the job he is doing. No matter what the media says, we are doing great things in Iraq and Chris and I are a part of that. The outpour of love and support just confirms that our sacrifice is appreciated. Thank You.

Okay, enough mushy stuff. I want to hear more funny stories. You're loving wife, Rhe

9:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris, as I'm typing this, I have to look through teary eyes. That was just beautiful. You have grown into such a wonderful man. I know I still treat you as a little boy sometimes, but that's just what Mom's do. Keep up the good work. Continue to stay safe. Love, kisses and a double flutter, flutter.

Love you, Mom

12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had to go into the restroom here at work and sniffle quite a bit after reading your letter. You are very welcome for any small bit of help we have been able to give you. (You CAN send Rock here anytime.) We have loved you since the first time Rhea brought you home from Texas and told us this was the man she was going to marry. And we were very pleased when the wedding happened. You both are wonderful, caring people, and we are extremely proud of you and the horribly dangerous job you are accomplishing in Iraq. It did my heart good yesterday to watch Iraqis leaving the polling places with tears of gratitude in their eyes, holding their ink stained fingers up and dancing for joy. You are a part of the fabulous military that made that happen for them. I continue praying for you and all your friends' safe return home as soon as possible. Please keep being safe and cautious continuously. We love and miss you, Mom and Dad Awtrey

1:44 PM  
Blogger Marianna said...

Hi, just came across your blog & wanted to take a minute to thank you for the incredible job y'all do in that hell hole. We appreciate y'all 100% & can't wait for everyone to come home safe. Your pics are great... thanks! My boyfriend is in Iraq, but he's leaving TOMORROW, headed back to Kuwait & then the states after the vehicles get shipped! Woohoo! Anyway, thanks again... your blog is GREAT!


2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you and the guys liked the valentines. I'll pass the message on to the "stampers" who helped. Not a day goes by that we don't think of you. Being able to hear from you is great and I know it helps Rhea Jo. It's hard not being able to hear much from Aaron - he was patrolling Samara over the weekend so we had to rely on CNN for news - for whatever good that does. It's too bad for Iraq, but good for us, that they didn't have much activity in that town on election day. Guess he had a boring day. Only a few more weeks and he'll be heading back to Germany. And we're glad about that. Please take real good care of yourself - we have some beer to drink when you get home!!!! Lynn

12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was beautiful, you are very deserving of all the love and support that is coming your way. If I had only known you would turn out this way I would have gotten on your good side alot sooner.(Kidding) Our trip to Scotland gave me a chance to re-aquaint myself with the grown-up Chris and your wonderful wife. If two people were ever meant for each other it is you and Rhea. I'm proud to have you for my nephew, and I hope we can do some more trips together.
love ya
aunt d

9:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Chris: We just got back from a ski trip and I checked your site. It is great to read your update and see your bright & shining face. Like your mom, I'm typing through teary eyes. I always knew you were special boy back in the Jim Thorpe days but you have turned out to be a remarkable man. I can only hope Troy turns out so good. We think of you often and pray all the time for your safe return....Love, Doreen

1:51 PM  

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