Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The Plaque

This is going to be a little bit of a story since I am being told I do not write enough. Where to begin, it all started in 1977 when Robbie received an end of the year plaque for baseball. Well, it was in our house groiwng up, undisturbed for many a year when my Dad found it remodeling one of our bedrooms. Well Dad hung on to it until the next Christmas. He wrapped it in Christmas paper and put it under the tree for Robbie. Well Robbie opened it up one Christmas morning and to his surprise was his lost baseball plaque. If memory serves me right Robbie did not know what to do, he didn't understand. Dad decided to tell him he found it, held on to it and decided to give it to him as a present. Off the subject a little bit, the first Christmas Dad was present at our house was in 1982. Dad got Dana some gift, don't remember what it was she probably threw it away anyway. Dad got Robbie a a high speed electric pinball game. Remember, anything electric 23-24 years ago was awesome. Well now it was my turn to unwrap my gift. Dad got me a plastic Buddy "L" pick up truck with a car on a trailer. Robbie was always his favorite. Back to the story, so every year or every other year some one will wrap the plaque and send it to each other. It is always good to skip a year in between, so the other person forgets who has it. Well this year Robbie sent me the plaque and I have it over here. I screwed it into my desk (relax it already had two holes in it anyway) right next to my mouse so I can see it everyday. The plaque came in a box by itself and I knew what it was as soon as I shook it. It is an honor to hold the plaque for my part. The bad thing is it has Robbie's name on the bottom of it, so I can't claim it as my own. Of note again, in 1982 was the same year the ice whale was on the front porch, but that is another story. See why I don't write like this, now I am more upset that I am not home than I was before I started this. Rhea this is your fault. Great now I miss her more too. Damn. Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You did real well with the story Chris. Can't belive you can still remember all that stuff. Just don't forget to bring that thing home with you when you come. It's an important part of the holiday season you know. Who knows who will get it next time. Love ya. Mom

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for updating baby, it will make everyone's day. You did very well with the story and you write fine. This is such a great tradition and Rob did good this year. Love you, Rhe

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Chris, your story brings back a lot of good memories. It brought a tear to my eye. Love Dad

6:36 PM  

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