Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Hello, sorry I have not updated my webpage lately. I am still trying to get settled in and it is not working so well. I have my sleeping area and my work area but I am just not satified. I have been adding shelves and rearranging everyday, sometimes twice a day. I really am thankful for the boxes and letters I have received since my arrival to Iraq. I could not begin to tell you what I have received but I have gotten a lot of candy. I share some things but the things from home are hard to pass out. The tasty cakes and brownies are not even an option. Robbie and Lauren sent me "Strange Brew" what a great movie. Watched it twice already, I can hear Rhea Jo now, "YOU ARE NOT WATCHING THAT AGAIN". I miss her terribly, can't wait to come home in April. Thanks for emailing and letter writing, if I do not send you an email it is not because I am rude it is just hard to think of home and not miss it more. Thanks again, Chris


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