Saturday, January 01, 2005

New Year

Happy New Year, well a lot has changed in the last year. Rhea and I moved from Missouri and/or Kansas to Kentucky. We bought our first house. We have a big yard and a lawn tractor to cut the grass. We still have The Rock, who is looking better than ever, since we put him on a diet. We have two new additions to our house, two black kittens named Merry and Pippin. We spent more time with family than we have the previous four years. Rhea found a great job with a great boss. PS it is almost my birthday. Thanks for visiting this webpage. Christopher


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry New Year to you too, Chris.
Nickie and I had a lot of fun. We stayed home of course. As Dr Tim (my boss) says, there are too many AMATEUR drunks on the road. We taught friends of ours how to make pottery on the wheel in our studio. One did well and one not so well. I am a pretty good teacher at these things, though. Ever done it? Teaching or pottery?
Love ya,

3:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Chris - we spent the evening with Peggy and Cliff and their new german shepard puppy "Rueger". Had a quiet evening, watched the fireworks on tv at midnight. I started taking down the Christmas decorations today, but with all the interuptions I had I didn't make much progress. This website is cool and I will check back to it often. We love you and the yellow ribbons are flying everywhere.

Aunt Dianne

9:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Baby, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I wish you were here but hopefully we'll start 2006 together. Rock and I stayed up watching old movies, nothing exciting. I would say the hobbits stayed up too but they were racked out. Anyway, I got all the Christmas stuff put away yest. and I am beat. I start school tomorrow so the year is off and running. Love and miss you w/ every breath, Rhe

9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Chris! Happy New Year!
We had a good New Year's at a friend's house, just ate too much of course. Keep up the postings and you can write a bestseller when you return! I think the Jets can go a long way in the playoffs.....Right?? At least with web access you can get sports news.

Gregg Keith

12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Chris. Dad and I also had a quiet new year. We waited up till midnight. Said "Happy New Year" and went to bed. Are we thrilling or what? Love this websight and reading what everyone is writing to you. Hope its good for you too. Love you. Mom

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The web site is great - Enjoy hearing about what you're doing and seeing the sites. Don't hear alot from up north, but Aaron is doing OK. Hopes to be home end of February.

Thanks for the compliment. I enjoy having Rhea Jo here - I'm lucky that she joined our company.

Happy Birthday on Wednesday - Good people are born in January - (Harold's birthday is Sunday) Lynn

12:02 PM  

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